Silent, silver, aslant, the rain
Washes sky-dark sidewalks.
The gray sky weeps;
All hushed, the city passes
In the street below.
Umbrellas cluster shadow black
Over sheeted pavements.
Headlights, tail-lights,
Blood-red, ghost-white,
Bend and ripple in the deeps
Of the street’s dark mirror.
Cold, cracked comfort, brick and stone,
Rest the halt and hunching stalkers,
Walkers, derelict, alone,
In the street below.
Gray faces haunt shadow-scrawled corridors,
And night draws near.
But silent in my room a single lamp
Lights this little corner without presumption;
And within the church’s thick rain-stained brick
The heart glows warm and red.
Here and there
Beneath the world’s gray crust
Quiet peace takes refuge,
Unseen, unassuming.
Enclaves of joy humbly hold out,
Unconquered, unyielding,
Under the rawness, rain, and night.
Hope haunts the catacombs;
Salvation goes underground.
Against all odds
The kingdom drops into the earth,
A grain of wheat upon the cold, hard, clayey ground.
Small and weak, we few insanely sing
Of life and hope and heaven’s newborn king.
We light our candles as the dark shuts down
And wait the coming day.
Thank you.